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Arc Junkies

Oct 31, 2022

Joining me in this weeks episode is Chandler Vincent, the 2017 World Skills USA Medalist. Chandler and I had the opportunity to sit down and talk about the World Skills Competition, changes we'd like to see in out industry and welding education. 

Checkout Chandlers Company:

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Oct 26, 2022

In this bonus Weld Wednesday Episode, I am sitting down with the World Skills Competitors from 1993 to present. These men have all Represented the USA in Welding at the World Skills Competition. The amount of talent, knowledge and skill between them is truly insane. 

Resources in this episode:

Welding Kits

Oct 24, 2022

Line Boring and Line Welding is a topic I have wanted to discuss for a long time. Imagine my surprise when Erik Esslinger reached out to me and wanted to discuss this very topic. Line boring and line welding is a process many people in this industry are not familiar with. In this episode we discuss everything you need...

Oct 17, 2022

This week’s guest is Donny Sparacimino a self taught welder from Toronto Canada. Donny started off as a computer programmer paying for school by working in a fab shop. He quickly developed a passion for welding and taught himself well enough to follow his dream as a pipe welder.

Follow Donny on Instagram:

Oct 10, 2022

Today's guest is Nate Bowman, ya’ll know Nate, he's been on here a couple times at least. In this episode we discuss some of the different modes of metal transfer, the new WPQ2 credential from AWS and some upcoming plans for FabTech.


Follow Nate on Instagram @weldscientist


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