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Arc Junkies

Jul 25, 2022

In this weeks episode, I am catching up with my buddy J. Jones. He's been instructing at the Instructors Institute for about 20 years. He works with the Harris Corporation and specializes in all things Oxo-Fuel. We chat about the versatility of the Oxy-Fuel system when it comes to soldering, brazing, welding...

Jul 20, 2022

In this episode, I am chatting with Steve Snyder (AWS), Theresa Melfi (Lincoln Electric) and Michael Ellisor (Texas High School Welding Series) about the upcoming Welding Summit taking place in The Woodlands Texas August 24th-26th. 


For more information, or to sign up for the Weld Summit, click

Jul 18, 2022

In this weeks episode, I am chatting with Emmett Russell from Russellbilt on Instagram. Emmet built the Centerpiece for the original Arc Junkies Studio which is now the Centerpiece of my new studio. He also built the Grandfather clock for Joe Rogan. But that's not what Emmett is well known for, he runs a shop that...

Jul 11, 2022

In this episode I am chatting with Kansas Sartin, owner, designer, and operator of the PAKMULE Cargo Carrier System. Kansas created a business from a project he built back in college out of necessity. It has since grown into a full scale operation which includes welding, machining, packing and shipping. It’s truly...

Jul 6, 2022

Bill Komlos has volunteered with AWS for a number of years and has a very impressive background in Codes and Specs. In this episode we dive into his history as a volunteer with AWS and how he's worked up through the ranks to serve on various Code Committees. 


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